
Art Science and Technology : digital art in public spacesセミナー開催


DMC機構Digital Art for Intelligent Public Spacesプロジェクトでは、セミナーシリーズ「Art Science and Technology : digital art in public spaces」の開催を計画しています。

初回セミナーでは、森美術館初代館長のDavid Elliott氏に「コンテンポラリーアートにおける普遍的価値 vs ジオエスセティック Universal Values versus Geo-Aesthetics in Contemporary Art」と題した講演をしていただきました。

Starting with genetic theory, research and a consideration of pre-and early history, this talk examines different kinds of pictorial creativity and how influence is, and always has been, spread through art and different kinds of cultural interchange. Only relatively recently in our history has this “natural” state of affairs been disrupted by essentialist ideas of nationhood which have stressed the separateness and hierarchy of cultures as well as their lack of permeability. This, along with the socio-political theories and actions that are embedded in such convictions, has had disastrous historical effects and, in spite of recent theories of “globalization,” has continued, in a debased form, to the present. The speaker argues that now, as before, it is the normal and desirable state of one culture to beg, steal and borrow from other cultures and that only an openness of mind and willingness to learn is needed to appreciate and enjoy the contemporary cultures of the world from this perspective.

■講師紹介: ディヴィット・エリオット David Elliott
         シドニービエンナーレ2010 美術監督
         ベルリン、フンボルト大学 美術史 客員教授

■言語: 英語

■日時:2008年9月17日(水)午後6時~8時   参加費無料

■場所:慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス 東館6階グローバル・スタジオ

■担当:コドニェ, フィリップ DMC機構 教授
